Saturday, May 15, 2010

Applause Players "CATS" - Ultimate Blooper (expertly handled)

As Miss Laura would say, "WELCOME TO THEATER!"
So here we are... third and final show of the weekend. All is going along quite smoothly until this point. Sure... Friday night had a little blip at the beginning when the opening music started before our CATs were on stage... that was no problem - nothing noticeable. Saturday night we had a slight microphone malfunction during Grizabella's magnificent solo, "Memory." That was somewhat painful... but Griz skillfully reached behind her back and turned it off. Luckily... she projects very well. But nothing will top the transition section between "Jellicle Ball" and "Macavity." There is this transition scene where Old Deuteronomy gets kidnapped while sirens and suspenseful music plays in the background. Meanwhile, the three soloists, are quickly getting mic'd for Macavity (Lisa, Alex, & Amanda). When the transition music looped again, we figured they were buying time since there isn't nearly enough time to get all three gals mic'd before the Macavity music starts up. But we quickly realized we had a little problem when the transition track and sirens started playing over the Macavity track... just when we thought it was going to be no big deal and it sounded like it was going to be okay.... watch and see how it turned out!
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