Sunday, April 29, 2007

Ross Family Fun

The five of us Ross siblings got
together in April for food, fun, and Mojitos!!
A good time was had by all and we posed for our usual
Fab Five Foto. ;-)

On April 29, we gathered once again for another celebration.
Happy birthday to mom,
Gary, and Larry
and congratulations to Merri & Garet
on their wedding.

We were also giddy about our
two expectant couples...
Ashley and Luke (Baby #1)
and Garet & Merri (Baby #2).

How good are these Mojitos?

Click on any of the photos
to see the entire album.

Enjoy the montage video below!

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Chocolate Factory

The Chocolate Factory -- featuring Amanda Rice

On Friday, April 27, Amanda appeared in the play "Chocolate Factory." This was her first large theatre production. She has definitely been bit by the theater bug and has fallen madly in love with acting. In fact, she may focus solely on theater for a while. Our Amanda is a natural born actress and have we no doubt she will go far with this new endeavor.

Before the play, family and friends gathered at Anthony's Home Port Restaurant on the Everett Waterfront for dinner. Amanda was so touched at how many friends and family came to see her debut. I believe there were 20 of us who met up for dinner and several more friends and family met us at the theater.

The play was a huge success. What a wonderful night! Thanks to everyone who came out and showed their support!!!

Click on either photo to see all the fun pictures. :-)

Friday, April 20, 2007


On Friday, April 20... The Applause Studio Performance Teams had a show at the Everett Imagine Children's Museum.

Before the show, the kids took advantage of the fun things to do at the museum. Click on the photo to see all the photos of our night at the museum.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Sunday - 2007

Another lovely Easter day at the Rice house!
As is tradition, the first order of business is for the kids to find their Easter Baskets.

Austin found his right away in the guest room closet. I think he likes it...

Amanda found hers on the first try as well, in her bathtub. She can't wait to dig in...

Next order of business... the Easter Egg Hunt!!! The weather was perfect.
Click on the photos to see all the festivities!!!

Friday, April 6, 2007

80 Degrees on April 6...

The four of us took advantage of the excellent weather we had on Friday, April 6. Bob and the kids packed up the air mattresses and headed to Silver Lake to go floating. It may have been extra warm outside, but the water was slightly cold!

I decided to take the last half of the day off and join Bob and the kids. I stopped off on the way to the lake and grabbed some lunch. What a wonderful picnic we had. Click on the photos for more....